


美国WK国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm) 代表海航集团成功完成旧金山市中心123 Mission大楼逾两亿美金收购项目

2018年5月,美国达凯国际律师事务所 (The WK Law Firm)代表海航集团(HNA Group)以3亿美元的价格将位于旧金山市中心123 Mission 高级办公大楼出售给了诺斯伍德投资公司(Northwood)。诺斯伍德投资公司由黑石房地产咨询(Blackstone Real Estate Advisors)前CEO John Z. Kukral于2006年创立。美国达凯国际律师事务所的执行合伙人吴异军律师出席了该项目的交割仪式。

2016年8月19日,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)曾代表海航集团 (HNA Group),从香港鹰君集团手中以大约2.5亿美元的市价收购旧金山市中心123 Mission 高级办公大楼,并协助完成黑石集团(The Blackstone Group)并购贷款。

123 Mission大楼为一座租赁面积达到34.6万平方英尺的创意A级写字楼,坐落于旧金山繁荣的南金融区的Premier Mission 街区。得益于其战略性地理位置,优美的海湾和城市景观,123 Mission 持续吸引着一流技术型企业和金融服务业房客。目前,包括Salesforce, New Relic, Inc., and Marin Software, Inc.在内的大中型企业租赁了写字楼约95%的空间。

这是继收购曼哈顿1180 Avenue of Americas大楼、四星级酒店Cassa Hotel、曼哈顿第三大道850 A级写字楼之后,我事务所代表海航集团完成的又一大型并购及融资项目。

美国达凯国际律师事务所 (The WK Law Firm)作为中美联合律所的杰出代表,擅长跨境投资业务、房地产业务、公司业务、资本市场业务、媒体业务、国际贸易及商业诉讼业务等,致力协助中国企业走入国际主流、树立中资企业发展新的里程碑。


The WK Law firm represented HNA Group selling  San Francisco Office Tower at 123 Mission Street to Northwood Investors for about $300 million in May, 2018. Mr. Allen Wu, the executive Partner of Wu & Kao represented HNA Group at Closing. Northwood Investors is a privately-held real estate investment advisor that was founded in 2006 by John Z. Kukral, the former President and CEO of Blackstone Real Estate Advisors.

On August19, 2016, the WK Law Firm also supports HNA Group in the acquisition of San Francisco Office Tower for $ 250 Million from Great Eagle Holdings, a Hong Kong Listed Company, through Leveraged Buyout supported by The Blackstone Group.

San Francisco Office Tower is a LEED Platinum, 346,435 square foot, creative Class A office tower strategically positioned on the premier Mission Street corridor in San Francisco’s thriving South Financial District. With its central location, stunning bay and city views, and highly desirable side core floor plates, 123 Mission has been able to consistently attract a premier roster of elite technology and financial services tenants. Currently, 95% of the tenant space has been occupied by large and medium size enterprises, including Salesforce, New Relic, Inc., and Marin Software, Inc.

This deal is another successful acquisition we provided legal advice for HNA Group following 1180 Avenue of Americas, four-star Cassa Hotel and 850 Third Avenue in Midtown Manhattan.

Wu & Kao plays a leading role in the U.S. and China legal fields. We specialize in Capital Markets, Cross Border Investment, Real Estate, Corporation, IP, Media Law, International Trade and Litigation etc. We are familiar with Eastern and Western business culture and values. Our goal is to support enterprises to establish a new milestone. 

创建时间:2016-08-29 03:25

电 话:022-27316360

邮 箱:aw.team@wklaw747.com

网 址:www.wklaw747.com

地 址:天津市和平区大沽北路2号


