


美国达凯律师事务所(The WK Law Firm) 协助威特集团与NBA中国合作推广NBA乐园


照片从左至右:吴异军律师,NBA(中国)CFO Wayne(张文正),威特集团董事长Howard Li (李学海),威特集团总裁Kennith Li

2019年4月15日,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)协助威特集团家族企业成员 - 赢育联合(天津)体育发展有限公司与NBA(中国)达成合作伙伴关系。自2016年夏天起,已有三家NBA乐园分别在上海、北京和成都落成并正式对外营业,本次合作后,双方将在全国范围内进一步推广以NBA为主题的家庭娱乐中心。


威特集团于1981年在美国纽约创办。经过38年的稳健发展,威特集团已成为颇具规模的跨国企业。集团业务范围包括全球物流与供应链服务(每年为数百家驰名品牌和企业配送数十亿美元商品)、高端商业房地产投资开发运营、进出口贸易、连锁零售和时装设计、生产、批发零售。威特集团连续多年被美国著名财经杂志Crain’s 评为“大纽约地区资产规模最大的200 家私营企业之一”。


这是继协助威特集团建设并管理武清佛罗伦萨小镇、创意米兰购物广场和V1汽车世界等项目后,美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)助力该集团在国内完成合作的又一力作。

美国达凯国际律师事务所(The WK Law Firm)作为中美联合律所的杰出代表,擅长跨境投资业务、房地产业务、公司业务、资本市场业务、国际贸易及商业诉讼业务等,致力于协助中国企业走入国际主流、树立中资企业发展新的里程碑。


The WK Law Firm successfully assisted a family affiliate company of Waitex Group - Total Team (Tianjin) Sports Development Co., Ltd. in reaching a nationwide partnership with NBA China on April 15, 2019. The parties will further and nationally promote the NBA-themed family-based entertainment centers. Three NBA Playzones have been established and opened for business in Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu since the summer of 2016.

About Waitex Group

Waitex Group was founded in New York, U.S.A. in 1981. The group has prospered over a span of 38 years into a successful global enterprise. The group’s scope of business includes global logistics and supply chain services, finance factoring services for imports and exports in China, high-end real estate property investment, development and management, import and export trading, retail chains and fashion design, production, wholesale, and operating retail stores. Waitex Group was ranked by Crain’s business magazine as one of the top 200 largest privately held companies in the greater New York area many years in a row.

Total Team (Tianjin) Sports Development Co., Ltd. is a family affiliate company of Wetaix Group. Waitex Group family affiliate companies are the founding partner of 7 Florentia Village Luxury Designer Outlets, a joint venture with an Italian, Hong Kong and a major US investment fund. Waitex Group family affiliate company and Sino-Ocean Group have jointly invested and developed the V1 Auto World project and the automobile innovation ecological park with 600,000 square meters area was opened for business in 2018.

This is WK’s another successful cooperation with Waitex Group after assisting Wetaix in establishing and managing the Florentia Village of Wuqing, the Creativo Designer Lifestyle Experience Mall, and the V1 Auto World etc. The managing partner of WK - Mr. Allen Wu attended the opening ceremony.

The WK Law Firm as a leading international law firm concentrates on providing high quality and comprehensive legal services to its domestic and global clients. All the attorneys and members of WK are good at English and Chinese, and specialized in the business and legal areas of cross-border investment, real estate, corporate, capital market and international trade, as well as commercial litigations etc. The WK Law Firm is committed to assisting Chinese enterprises to enter the international mainstream and establish a new milestone for the development of Chinese enterprises.

创建时间:2019-04-16 15:31

电 话:022-27316360

邮 箱:aw.team@wklaw747.com

网 址:www.wklaw747.com

地 址:天津市和平区大沽北路2号


