


美国达凯律师事务所(The WK Law Firm) 协助海航集团成功完成明尼阿波利斯市City Center逾三亿美金融资收购项目






2016 年11月9日,美国WK国际律师事务所 (The WK Law Firm) 协助海航集团,于不动产大亨Shorenstein手中完成美国Minneapolis市中央商务区标志性大楼33 South 6th Street的融资收购项目。

该大楼位于美国Minneapolis市中心,为办公楼+商场的结构。Minneapolis市是美国明尼苏达州最大城市,与圣保罗毗邻,组成著名双子城。目前共有16家世界五百强企业的总部位于该市。 该大楼共51层,占地面积约160万平方英尺,是一座现代化顶级 (A+) 办公大楼。在世界五百强公司中位列第36的Target公司是该大楼的重要承租人。

这是今年继收购纽约中城1180 Avenue of Americas和850 Third Avenue、旧金山123 Mission等商业办公大楼之后,我所助力海航集团在美完成收购项目的又一力作。




On November 9, 2016, the WK Law Firm has supported HNA Group to acquire the iconic building 33 South Sixth in City Center, Minneapolis for over $300 Million from Real Estate magnate Shorenstein, through Leveraged Buyout.

33 South Sixth is located in the heart of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota (Minneapolis is the largest city in Minnesota and home to the headquarters of 16 Fortune 500 companies). It is a 1.6 million square feet, 51-story A+ office tower, which consists of office area and urban retail destinations. 73% of it is occupied by Target Corporation (Target Corp. ranks 36 on Fortune 500’s list of largest corporations).

       This deal is another successful acquisition we provided legal advice for HNA Group following 1180 Avenue of Americas; 850 Third Avenue and 123 Mission, etc.

WK Law Firm has over $20 billion business transactions annually; and plays a leading role in both U.S. and China legal fields. We specialize in Capital Markets, Cross Border Investment, Real Estate, Corporation, International Trade and Litigation etc. We are familiar with Eastern and Western business culture and values. Our goal is to support enterprises to establish a new milestone.、


创建时间:2016-11-18 08:46

电 话:022-27316360

邮 箱:aw.team@wklaw747.com

网 址:www.wklaw747.com

地 址:天津市和平区大沽北路2号


